Is That Really God's Will?

Happy Sunday!

I decided to change things up a bit this week and share a video, instead of my traditional written blog. In fact, it was special request from one of my readers to do more videos. You know, I'm a woman of the people! :) So if you have any topics you'd like to read or watch, let me know!

However , this topic was heavy on my heart this week. I had a few calls with people who were really struggling. Being attacked on all sides in places where they believed God placed them. Seeing that I'm coming through that season now, I wanted to share a bit of perspective. In the video, I discuss how our trials mold and shape us to be more Christlike and better versions of ourselves.

If you're conflicted about whether or not what you're facing is really God's will, watch and share the video.

I pray it blesses you! 

Casey Sharperson
Speaker| Confidence Cultivator| Blogger

Unwrap the Gift: Revealing and Activating the Gifts Within

Imagine this. You’ve just received the most beautiful gift. It’s wrapped to perfection, the bow is placed and the ribbon was coiled by angelic beings. You are floored that someone thought highly enough of you to even give you a gift, let alone one so beautiful. For this reason you decide to simply place it on the table and admire it. No need to open the package, because you’re just grateful to be in possession of such beauty. It gathers dust, but you dare not touch it for fear of ruining perfection...

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Set Apart: Embracing Your Uniqueness [Video]

A masterpiece is by definition an artist's or craftsman's best piece of work. A masterpiece is valued by others because of its rarity, the craftsmanship, and the uniqueness that is evident to all who experience it. 

A masterpiece is not some run of the mill, assembly line product. It is not available everywhere because it is appreciated by a select few. Furthermore, all who seek the masterpiece will not pay the price for it.

Guess what?


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Perfect Peace

Chaos and fear run rampant in our society. The 24 hour news cycle plants fear, distrust, hurt, and anxiety in our hearts, because let's be honest, positive stories don't bring the ratings. How can we possibly experience peace despite what's happening around us?

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