Do you remember Vacation Bible School (affectionately known as VBS)? You know, the place you attending that was lit because they had all your favorite snacks and arts and crafts? Yep, I had a flashback to the glory days last week. My church hosted VBS this week with a theme that focused on harnessing our spiritual gifts. Obviously, that topic is RIGHT up my alley!
The teacher of the teens asked me to come the final day of class to share about my blogging experience and how I use writing to glorify God. He was teaching about how Paul used his gift of writing to build the kingdom of Christ.
Here’s a recap of what I talked about:
- Desire: You must have an unshakable desire to serve Christ. Psalm 119:10
- Trust: You must trust that God has given you special gifts that are unique to you. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
- Plan: You must have a plan to harness those gifts and talents. That likely requires study and exploration about how to maximize those gifts. 1 Peter 4:10
- Community: You must surround yourself with people are are positive and edifying. Additionally, finding a mentor to ensure you’re on the right track. Proverbs 9:9
As simple as those steps are, it encouraged the teens that they don’t have all the answers. They don’t have know what their big purpose in life is, and neither do you!
Ultimately, it’s about the heart posture. If your goal is to be the best person you can be in Christ, he’ll meet you there.
The more you focus in on what the Lord is calling you to, the more confident you’ll become.
Soon, you’ll be exercising gifts that you never knew you had. People will begin to ask you what your secret sauce is. Your answer? The giver of all good gifts. (James 1:7)
Don’t allow your fears to hold you back.
Do step out on faith.
Don’t focus on your lack.
Do focus on the miraculous provisions provided at just the right time.