Do you ever hear quotes that are super deep and super simple at the same time? That’s how I feel about “Worship before worry.” I first heard it from my friend in my head, Tiphani Montgomery, by way of my Periscope Pastor, Dr. Matthew Stevenson. (Shoutout to social media one time.)
Since January is my month of getting #LifeGoals in place, I’ve made a few changes. One of which is committing to go another level in my faith. [[No stagnant Christianity here!]] As a part of that, I’ve been intentional about sitting under teaching that enhances my personal quiet time. That’s where I heard the quote “worship before worry.” I loved it so much that I wrote in my journal that night, that I vowed to worship FIRST before anything else.
Let’s fast forward 9 hours… ( and have #storytime)
I’m cruising down one of the busiest streets in town, on the way to the office. I notice ole dude in the SUV on my left is getting mighty close. I’m thinking, “this person is a terrible driver, they need to get over.” I slow down a bit.
Oh crap.
Now, they’re literally halfway in my lane. I slam on my brakes and honk the horn like my life depended on it. Normally people would correct. Nope. Not this guy. Since they didn’t move, I swerve to the right hoping to avoid this road demon, when I heard a huge thud and scratching sound.
Oh crap.
I mean, I’m alive, which is good, but something doesn’t feel right. I put the hazards on. Get out the car as people fly by (around 60mph). And see a back tire that looks like it was mauled by a bear…or someone who just got cheated on. To say that I was not happy would be the understatement of the century. This was not in the plan. I had just updated my budget for the month and my trip the following week. This was really not the plan.
Oh crap.
I get back in the car, just as it starts to rain. At this point, I’m a ball of emotions, angry, upset, and annoyed, to name a few. I call my Dad. No answer. I call my mom. No answer. In what world is nobody available?! I finally call AAA. It’ll take about an hour to get to me.
Worship before worry.
I turned up my music and began to worship. I was so into it, I got annoyed that the AAA man called 45 minutes later to tell me he was 5 minutes away.
See, there’s a shift that happens when you take your eyes of the situation and point them to Christ. A holy confidence comes when you know the creator of the universe is in your corner. What’s a few hundred for a tire to God? (hint: NOTHING)
Here’s my challenge to you: cast those worrisome thoughts (1 Peter 5:7) on Christ and trust Him with your mess (ie. work, friends, situationships, school, relationship status, money, or possessions).
Will you walk in freedom from worldly worry?
Or will you continue to be stressed?
Your choice.
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