Dreading Monday, counting down to Friday, living for Saturday, chilling through Sunday only to start back dreading Monday. There goes the cycle of a typical week in a typical life of typical things. There should be more to life than count ups and countdowns to something more enjoyable than a regular day at work or school.
Going through the motions of the same old thing is not living a life of purpose. It's living a life stuck in the bubble of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is the reason that you're dreams are still that... dreams. Instead of putting yourself out there, you stay with the status quo and refuse to live out the dream that God placed inside of you.
Guess what?
I'm here to push you out of that dreaded comfort zone. It's time to get unstuck. It's time to live your dreams.
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?" Psalm 56: 3-4
Watch the video to learn some ways to kiss your comfort zone goodbye!
And of course, leave me a comment on the blog or send me a message to share your thoughts!
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