Casey Sharperson

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For those who feel forgotten...

Have you ever felt invisible? Felt like everyone else was prospering but you? If not, tell me your secret because I’ve been there… a few times… OK, way more than a few times.

If you’re like me, in those seasons you wanted to scream from the rooftops “I’m here! Don’t you see me!” You were thinking, "I’m working hard, giving my all, but it doesn’t seem to move the needle. I’m STILL virtually in the same place. STILL single. STILL at that job. STILL living paycheck to paycheck. STILL not where I want to be. STILL [fill in your struggle here]."

“So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.” Galatians 6:9

[Collective groan here] “I’ve heard that before, but I’m STILL tired. I cannot take this one more moment of this thing/situation.” Here’s my answer to you (and me):

Focus on the promise

Take your eyes off the facts. Yes, everything feels wrong right now, but what’s the vision? What is that dream in your heart? What’s that goal in your mind? Know that right now is temporary. Right now passes with every tick on the clock. THIS is momentary. Focus on those God-given promises.

Focus on your portion

Take your eyes off others. Comparison will KILL your future. The second you allow seeds of discontentment to fester and grow in your heart, is the second you rob yourself of true joy. Being thankful and grateful for the blessings daily matures you to an unmatched level of gratitude. With gratitude you can work unto the Lord and not men (Colossians 3:23).

Focus on God

Ultimately, He’s the one orchestrating in the background. He honors the faithful and the ones who care for their portion (Luke 16:10-12). He’s the one who will urge someone to recommend you for opportunities. He brings your name to the top of someone’s mind. He lays your face on someone’s heart to intercede on your behalf. His power is matchless and his abilities are limitless (Colossians 1:16). This fact offers rest to your weary soul. Let Him work things for your good...not you.  

“The trustworthy (faithful) person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches will get into trouble.” Proverbs 28:20

Press through STILL and allow the still small voice to offer you a peace and confidence that surpasses all understanding.