Lord, What's My Purpose?
“Your dreams and your discomfort go hand in hand. You dream about how things could be, so you’re uncomfortable with how they are presently.” - Social Club Misfits; Song: Wavemasters
Dreams. Purpose. Vision. Confidence.
Those are my all time favorite topics to talk about. Mostly because I have such a burden for them. It makes me uncomfortable when I see people who have MORE to give but they hold back. It makes me uncomfortable to observe people with a vision but no confidence to move forward. It makes me uncomfortable for people to STOP dreaming because things didn’t go according to plan.
Now, let me ask you:
What is that thing that bothers you?
What used to be your struggle but you’ve now overcome?
What do people seek your help and advice about?
That’s part of your purpose. That’s what you should be focusing your energy on moving forward.
A popular saying has arisen “New year, new me” to represent major life changes that commence on January 1st.
What if we began to look at each moment as another chance to influence change and impact people?
It doesn’t matter what the year is or what the day is. As long as there is breath in your body, you can make a difference. You can walk in your purpose.
Once you make the commitment to live a life of purpose, opportunities will follow. God only needs a WILLING vessel. When you say “Yes” to purpose, you say “Yes” to God. I love the saying, “God is a gentleman.” Could it be that he is simply waiting on you to submit to his will to open the floodgates of blessings?
It’s time to do what God called you to do. It’s time to put into action those dreams and discomforts into action.
Pray this:
Lord, I’m ready to submit to your will for my life. Thank you for placing dreams on my heart. I pray for a sensitivity to you so that I may recognize and act on those opportunities that you place in my path. I praise you in advance for all that is to come. Amen.
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” Proverbs 8:17
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Casey Sharperson