Casey Sharperson

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Dream Build Repeat #22: How to deal when life doesn't go as planned


Welcome to the Dream Build Repeat Podcast. I am so excited to share this episode with you because today, we are talking about what happens when life gets in the way, and I know this happens to a lot of us. 

Today I'm going to be open and honest with you and share my personal story on what my life has looked like the last year and a half and how I went from traveling, being booked every weekend, to being on a book tour, and then one day, life happened, and everything just stopped. 

We all have our dreams and goals in mind and how we are going to accomplish them.  However, when things don't go according to plan and life gets in the way, it can affect how we do work. The global pandemic is the perfect example of this right now. So, in today's episode, I want to discuss how we can embrace the experiences life has thrown at us and how we can view them as a way to grow for ourselves and see that when life gets hard, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

Highlights we Cover 

  • The global pandemic and what that looked for Casey at the end of 2019

  • Learning to set boundaries for yourself and being a little less productive 

  • Loving, enjoying, and maximizing the season that you are in 

  • Even when life is not going well, there is always light at the end of the tunnel 

  • Taking a moment to look at your blessings and taking a look at the things that went right for you 

  • Embracing the middle and having those hard conversations with those around you 

Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. Be sure to order my order book Dream, Build, Repeat: Harness Fear to Confidently Pursue Your Biggest Dream Here 

To learn more about Casey be sure to visit her website at and don't forget to follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.


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How to deal when life doesn't go as planned Casey Sharperson


Casey’s book, Dream, Build Repeat: Harness Fear to Confidently Pursue Your Biggest Dreams. Grab your signed paperback version or the ebook version.

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