Awaken Dormant Dreams [+Audio Download]
What do you do when you feel totally and utterly hopeless? The exploration of faith continues!
Honestly, I had a few notes, but as I was talking, more and more revelation was coming. I lowkey, feel like it need a part two. This is definitely one of the most powerful teachings that I’ve done. I strongly encourage you to take a listen. But because I love you my readers, I’ve included a few notes to study with below! :)
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Background: (0:00-4:00)
Last week, we talked about testing our trust in God. Check out that teaching here.
While the faith of a mustard seed is acceptable, we really shouldn’t be down for juuuust enough. We’re looking for MORE than enough. We’re looking to stretch, believe God for more and do some different things for different outcomes.
Ultimately, we’re looking to activate “The Sauce.” Looking to cash in on the fact that we have access to an all knowing, ever present, Father who relishes in giving good gifts to his kids.
Teaching Points: (4:00-14:47)
Main Text: 2 Kings 4:8-37; 2 Kings 2:9 (Elisha wants a double portion of his mentor, Elijah’s spirit)
- Are there any situations in your life that appear to be hopeless? Any dreams that you’ve given up on because they feel far fetched? Any hopes that you’ve let die because too much time passed?
- What can you take from the Shunnamite woman’s testimony about when and how God blessed her with a son? (2 Kings 4:8-17)
- How do you react when God appears to have answered a prayer, but it later seems like the answered prayer is turning into a nightmare? (2 Kings 4:18-20)
- How did the Shunnamite woman exemplify extraordinary faith? (2 Kings 4:22-26)
- Are you willing to follow the Lord’s instructions, no matter how odd or scary they might be? (2 Kings 4: 29-34)
- Will you have faith to believe with the promise appears dead?
Wrap Up:
As cliche as it sounds, God’s timing is perfect. There is nothing that is too hard for Christ. With that promise, feel empowered to confidently walk in what God called you to do. If you don’t know what that is, boldly ask Him for instruction. Extraordinary faith produces extraordinary results. People will begin to seek you out because there’s something different about you.
Ok, I know this mini Bible study format is a little different, let me know if this was helpful and if you want me to keep this style in the rotation!
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Prayer Line:
I'm leading the prayer line for my young adult ministry this month!
Monday's in February at 9 pm EST
Dial: 515-739-1030
Pin: 381-831-124#
Speaking Engagement:
I'm speaking at Power Up Women's Conference on March 11, 2017 in Leesburg, VA. Registration is open!
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