Casey Sharperson

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Casey's Coffee & Confidence Launch!

The First Edition of Casey's Coffee & Confidence went live!

Here are ALL the deets (details)!

What: A weekly email delivered right to your inbox on SUNDAY morning. 

Why: To encourage and uplift you throughout the week. I'll share blogs, funny stories, Bible verses, songs, and other thoughts can be read ANY time. 

When: Every SUNDAY morning

How: If you're not already getting emails from me, click the button below, and I'll add you to the list!

See this form in the original post

Other fun updates: 

  • I am leading a prayer line every Monday night in July from 9:00pm-9:25pm EST. I’ll be doing some teaching then breaking some chains through the name of Jesus!

Dial in details: 605-562-0020 – Meeting ID: 381-831-124#

If you have any prayer requests, let me know!

See this form in the original post


  • I am receiving an award at the Pretty Girls Wait conference July 15-16. If you’re in the DMV area or know ladies ages 13 and up, meet me there!

As always, catch me on the interwebs for updates in between blog time!




See this social icon list in the original post